
Showing posts from November 28, 2010

Grommet Purses

More Grommet Purses - I love the choice of colors and the contrast. Way to go Isabella and Loretta! Can't wait to do it again.

Wine Bottle Sweaters

Okay you shouldn't let your wine bottle go without a sweater. Perfect for gifts too!! Can you guess what I made them from?

Half Aprons

I bet you can't guess what I made these half aprons from. Give it a try!

My Song

Chorus: Praise God! Thank God! I serve a God of second chances. What He did for me He can do for you. It took me forty years to learn to live He set me free! I lost my todays to worries about tomorrow Tomorrows turn into yesterdays Yesterdays into faded memories I want to break the cycle that bound me all these years I can see its not to late for me God has healed me and Changed my heart. He set me free He gave me His PEACE The PEACE that passes all understanding He removed the chains that bound me The chains that never let me live Or realize the joy, blessings and treasures That today holds for me! He taught me that there are no guarantees Treasure every moment Enjoy it! Live it! Once today turns into yesterday It's gone forever Never to be relived Don't live in the past -- or in regret It's never too late to turn you life over to Jesus So he can heal you and take away your pain! And in return he give you His PEACE --the PEACE that Passes all Understanding!! Praise God!...