Stitched from the HEART

Young Whitney is taking sewing lessons from me and she is learning to make 18" doll clothes!  She is quite the inspiration and while sewing she wanted to sew a little heart for embellishing her designs so we came up with "Stitched from the HEART" which will be her signature on all her creations!  I'm so excited for her.  She is already talking about having her own line of doll clothes!  You go Whitney!! :-)
Here are some of her creations>>>

What's EXCITING about her designs we used scrap pieces of fabric so the designs are one-of-a-kind!  Keep up the good work Whitney and I can wait to help you create some more amazing designs!!


Unknown said…
That's my granddaughter - she is amazing. Grandma Gabby is going to give her a sewing machine too so she can keep sewing. Thanks for the lessons and getting her interested in sewing!
Sewing Chick said…
Hi Eileen: She is amazing! You're welcome! I love to share my passion. I can see here designing one day! :-)

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