Scrub Hat How to on YouTube

I have had a lot of request on how to sew my "Easy Scrub Hat" pattern so here you have it.  Enjoy!


LadyDi4613 said…
Thank you so much for your video. It has been so helpful when I get ready to sew up the cap. I was wondering if you can post a picture of the layout of your fabric. I have trouble because I am doing an LSU one and all the words are in one direction. But it still should work out. I am such a visual person and seem to have problems with just written directions. Thank you so much. So appreciate all you do for us out here in learning world!!!
LadyDi4613 said…
im sorry, I realize the layout is on a video on your site. I didn't see the video, but I watched a video of how to sew it up!!! I apologize. Going to watch it now!!!
LadyDi4613 said…
Okay, I watched the video, but I am still confused to how the layout is and the instructions on how to lay out your fabric. The instructions say to have a fold on each side of the fabric with selvages together. On the video does this show it? I can't really tell. Thank you, thank you for the video especially on how to sew it up. I will cut it the best I know how especially with the words LSU all going in the same direction...LOL...thanks for responding.
LadyDi4613 said…
UPDATE:I sewed up my LSU surgical cap and I have to say for the first one it looks pretty good. Not 100 percent wonderful because I ended up with the LSU Tiger upside down on the rectangle part. LOL..I found out what the problem was that I was having. I did not print the top part for some reason to 100 percent from my computer. I bought your pattern from Etsy and I didn't realize it wasn't at 100 percent on MY computer. When I fixed that the longer rectangle fit around the top better. I had a little problem with the beginning and ending of the sewing, but I kept watching your video and I am really sure I can do this much better now. I am still confused about the laying out of the fabric because the typed instructions and the video don't look like the same lay-out. I was trying to go by the instructions that seem like may cut more than two at a time, while your video shows two at a time. The sound effect on one of your videos about the scrub cap is kinda muffled in some parts and I tried to turn my sound up as high as I could, but it just wouldn't work. I started to get my husbands hearing aids to help me listen. LOL..Anyway, I just want to thank you for helping all of us out here in cyberworld make these lovely caps. I am making some for a doctor and I am desperate to get them right. I've been doing women's surgical caps for awhile and just never did men's until last week my daughter who works in surgery in a hospital was asked by a male doctor for me to make him some. I am so proud to know that you are a Christian and love the Lord with those wonderful scripture verses here and there. Thanks again for all your help. Please let me know about the laying out of the fabric if you are able to.
Unknown said…
I have a new video that might help you please check it out I hope this helps!
Unknown said…
This seems like a easy and simply pattern, I'm just wondering if you have the pattern in a childs size? Thank you, Rachel
Sewing Chick said…
I don't but the pattern would be easy to down grade. Let me know if you're interested. My e-mail is Thanks!
Sewestcoast said…
Thank you for posting your video, I'm writing to you during the COVID-19 pandemic and wanted to let you know I made a bunch of scrub caps for a friend of mine who is an Emergency Nurse, and a hero, at the hospital near where I live. She told me they don't have enough scrub caps and the suppliers can't keep up with the demand so I was only to happy to help out. I looked at a lot of tutorials and I liked yours the best for it's simplicity. The nurses often wear their caps for 12hours long, so I used my best 100% cotton fabric and I also made my own bias tape for added comfort. I incorporated an elastic band into one of the caps and that also worked well.

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