
Showing posts from March 13, 2011

Winner of the Apron & Cookbook

Congratulations to Teresa Luebke for winning the chef apron and Class of '45 cookbook at the Centennial PTSA meeting for March. I'm already trying to get something together for next months drawing.

Would a Guy Wear this One?

I have been having requests for guy aprons. I have also had some requests for the his and her aprons as wedding gifts. Great idea by the way. Thanks Jen!!

Fun Apron with LOVE

This is another adorable apron with the theme, "LOVE". A great gift for Mother's Day or even Easter. Retail $40.00.

For Sentimental Reasons

This pillow was made from a mother's night gown. I am making several sentimental items that can be given to children, grandchildren and even great grandchildren. This is a wonderful way to have something of mom, grandmom or great grandmom. More to come...