Having Fun With Tie Dye the Sharpie Way

I will be teaching a class on tie dye but not the traditional way! It's fun, fast and EASY!! Did I say EASY? I hope to have a lot of pictures to post. Please see the pictures and let me know what you think!!


Anonymous said…
Looks awesome!! I've tried tie-dying using Sharpies and I love it but my results are a bit different than your photos. Would love to know your secret!
Lovely Light said…
Hi there- found you through Sew Much Ado's hop and am a new follower. I really am interested in learning more about this project- do you have a tutorial? I hope you have time to follow my life in South Africa by http://withoutcomplexities.blogspot.com

Have a great weekend!
Unknown said…
Hi - I found the tuturials on youtube. This link I enjoyed the most http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZ6qAUc3BkQ. I hope this is helpful! Thanks for checking out my blog!! :-)

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