Black Floral Skirt to Purse

This was a wrap around skirt that I made into a purse. Someone that liked the other black purse with pink flowers which sold asked if I had any fabric with green so when I saw this purse I thought it would be perfect. All of these are one-of-a-kind so you won't find someone else with the same purse. I will be able to make an apron out of what is left over. I had a temporary set back when we got water in our basement, my sewing room had to be moved to the game room on the other end of the basement so I haven't had much time to sew. We have to fix the window well so that doesn't happen again and then we can put my sewing room together. In the meantime I have a space to sew in but it's not what I was used to but at least I'm able to sew!!! WHOOHOO!!!


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