Recreated Black Purse

I mentioned earlier that I was going to recreate a little black purse that I had bought. Well it is done. It is fun thinking outside the "PURSE" and taking different elements to create something new and unique.

I used a decorated hair piece, some decorated hair ties and some wide and narrow double sided satin ribbon. I first removed the decorated part of the hair piece from the plastic head band. I then cut the hair tie so I could remove the ribbon that had small satin roses at each end. I even used the hair clips with the satin rose bunch. I think it really turned out cute. Do let me know what you think.


Anonymous said…
Turned out great! What's next?
Unknown said…
Thanks!! Aprons, Aprons, and more Aprons. No seriously I just love to recreate so what ever sparks a design thought first that's the direction I shall go.

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